Solid Analytics - Applications "Mining" - Companies |

Innovative Analytical Solutions |
Rubrics :liquid analytics - solid analytics - particle analytics - auxiliary units/ sample conditioning
scientific instruments for Spectroscopy, Spectral Imaging, Remote Sensing, Particle Characterisation, High Shear Homogenisation, Continuous Flow Chemical Reactors, Light Measurement

Rubrics : gas analytics - liquid analytics - solid analytics - service provider
The technology leader in elemental analysis and isotope ratio mass spectrometry - CHNOS elemental analysis
from < 0.01 to 100% - investigation of plant material, soils, fertilizers and all kinds of organic samples and/or biomass - solid fuel analysis - fully automated TOC analysis in water and solids -
analysis of metals and inorganics(cement, steels, ceramics a.o.) for quality control

Rubrics: liquid analytics - solid analytics
To measure important process parameters for special industries and general applications -
from the coal to the wood and paper industry.
Rubrics: liquid analytics - solid analytics - particle analytics - control technology - auxiliary units/sample conditioning - service provider
Analytical systems for the measurement of elemental concentrations, crystallographic and molecular structure, rheological properties and for the characterisation of particles

Rubrics: liquid analytics - solid analytics - particle analytics - control technology - auxiliary units/sample conditioning - service provider
Analytical systems for the measurement of elemental concentrations, crystallographic and molecular structure, rheological properties and for the characterisation of particles
