Solid Analytics - Applications "Coating" - Companies |
Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH
Rubrics : liquid analytics - solid analytics
Spectrometer for agriculture, food ~, glass ~ and solar industries
Spectrometer for numreous tasks in lab, on-line production and on the field -
colour measurement - layer thickness and coating measurment - moisture measrement

rubrics : liquid analytics- solid analytics - service provider
Inline UV-VIs spectrophotometry-technology
to the paint, pharmaceutical, plastics, and chemical industries employing Continuous Manufacturing (CM)

Rubrics: liquid analytics - solid analytics
To measure important process parameters for special industries and general applications -
from the coal to the wood and paper industry.

Rubrics: liquid analytics - solid analytics - particle analytics - control technology - auxiliary units/sample conditioning - service provider
Analytical systems for the measurement of elemental concentrations, crystallographic and molecular structure, rheological properties and for the characterisation of particles

Rubrics:gas analytics - liquid analytics - solid analytics - control technology
High-quality, state-of-the-art industrial products for detector array based optical spectroscopy from single OEM components like operating electronics up to complete UV/VIS/NIR- as well as Raman-diode array spectrometer systems
