Solid Analytics - Applications "Raman Spectroscopy" - Companies |
Rubrics: gas analytics - liquid analytics - solid analytics - control technology
The experts for mobile instruments : XRF - NIR - FTIR - Raman-spectrometry

Rubrics : gas analytics - liquid analytics- solid analytics
Innovate Solutions for Process Analytical Questions in all Industrial Production Processes
- with IR-, NIR- and Raman spectroscopy -
for foof&diet, for agriculture, for environmental protection - indication of hazadous substances in gases, fluids and solids (CBRNE detection) - surface analysis

rubrics : liquid analytics- solid analytics - service provider
Inline UV-VIs spectrophotometry-technology
to the paint, pharmaceutical, plastics, and chemical industries employing Continuous Manufacturing (CM)

Rubrics : gas analytics liquid analytics - solid analytics - control technology
Modular Polytec Spectrometer Systems (PSS) for flexibility and applicable to both
process control and laboratory measurements - standardised set of sensor
spectrometers and process software packages for qualitative
and quantitative online analysis.