Solid Analytics - Applications "Bulk Solids" - Companies |
Rubrics : solid analytics
Individual solutions for industrial moisture and density measurement
applying microwave technology
in production processes of wood,
engineered wood, food, bulk solids, lamellae et. al.
Rubrics: liquid analytics - solid analytics
Moisture ~, water content ~ and coating measurement in fluids and solids
- in bulk solids - forage - fuels - paints - pipelines - paper webs - textile webs
Rubrics : solid analytics
Innovative systems in the fields of screening and plant for solids handling and processing
- screening equipment up to lump sizes of 3 t in weight -
- sorting bulk materials according to their color, shape or size -
Rubrics : gas analytics - liquid analytics - solid analytics - control technology
Modular Polytec Spectrometer Systems (PSS) for flexibility and applicable to both
process control and laboratory measurements - standardised set of sensor
spectrometers and process software packages for qualitative
and quantitative online analysis.