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Validated tumor tissue samples for cancer research
CancerSeq™ FFPE tissues from AMSBIO are pre-screened tumor tissue samples for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP’s), insertions and deletions plus copy number variations (CNVs) using targeted Next Generation Sequencing to identify key mutations and mutational hotspots


Velocity chronograph provides accurate triggering for ballistic events
The SI-VT2 Velocity rap
from Specialised Imaging is a precision instrument that enables ultra-high-speed cameras studying ballistic events to automatically adjust image triggering in real time


Proprietary technique produces ultra smooth laser mirrors
Optical Surfaces Ltd.
has pioneered a pitch-polishing technique, that produces consistently low surface microroughness on off-axis parabolic mirrors used as key focusing elements for high power laser experiments.





Custom sensors for niche market applications
Drawing upon a team of specialists
with a broad range of experience in image sensor design and a growing intellectual property (IP) portfolio – SI Sensors provides a cost-effective full service for design, development, and manufacture of custom CMOS sensors







Electricity generation through natural energies

Dams have been built for thousands of years, serve as flood protection and, in conjunction with hydroelectric power plants, make an important contribution to the generation of renewable energies. After all, unlike fossil energy sources, hydroenergy generates only minor CO2 emissions.


Motorised zoom lens for monitoring nuclear plant hot zones
Resolve Optics has delivered the first batch of a new version of its popular Model 357 non browning 10x zoom lens to a leading manufacturer of radiation resistant instruments








New and novel products and services central to the laboratory

CondenSyn Air Condensors - high pressure reactors - circulation and temperature control systems - evaporation and sample preparation -
gas generators - lab ovens and furnaces - safety equipment a.s.o.

Titan is a leading manufacturer of high-performance flow measurement solutions & ultrasonic flow meters.

Titan Enterprises.
Small bore – low flow –  liquid/fluid – flow meter solutions & Innovative Ultrasonic Flow Meter Technologies..


Analyzer App

Spectroscopy Feasibilty Study for Your Application

... turn your spectrometer into a Process Analyzer!

Our Analyzer Apps enable real-time monitoring
of product properties:
spectroscopic measurement meets data analysis.


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